January 26 Message from Principal Harris


Hello Lister Families!


Please take a few minutes to review updates below.


Have a great week!


-Tim Harris, Principal at Lister Elementary



Important Dates


January 6th – 21st : iReady Testing

January 20th : No School MLK Holiday

January 22nd – January 24th : Data review and create new reading and math groups

January 31st : Lion Pride Assembly


Important Information

Lion Pride Characteristic for the Month of January

·       Persistence: Not giving up when things get too hard 

o   Questions for conversation with your student about Persistence

§  Describe in your own words what being Persistent means.

§  What is an example of what Persistence might look like?

§  How can you show Persistence at school and at home?


Greater Lakes Counseling Coming to Lister!

In the next few weeks, Lister will be assigned a Greater Lakes Mental Health counselor to meet with students during the school day providing counseling and other mental health supports. If any parent/guardian are interested in their student receiving these supports, please email the Lister Counselor Ms. Vanessa Gaitan at vgaitan@tacoma.k12.wa.us with the students name so she can reach out.

Beyond the Bell registration opens on staggered schedule this week
Registration for Beyond the Bell starts on a staggered schedule this week. Our school can register starting Wednesday, January 29th at 7 a.m. 

To help choose the session your child is most interested in, take a look at the programs available in our school.

  • Registration: Jan. 27 – Feb. 12. Register here.
  • Session: Feb. 24 – April 4

Payment changes start this session
Families with outstanding Beyond the Bell invoices are now required to settle their balance in MySchoolBucks before registering for future sessions. No student will be denied access due to financial need. 

To learn more, please read this FAQ.



New school-based healthcare clinic open to all students
Tacoma’s students now have another healthcare option - the new SeaMar Health Center based at Lincoln High School. It’s open to all Tacoma Public Schools students.

Nurse practitioners provide services including sports physicals, annual checkups and acute illness care for things like cough, cold, ear pain, UTI and minor injuries. Immunizations are also available.

Get more information here: SeaMar School-Based Health Center - Lincoln High School

Give your input on TPS Strategic Plan
Tacoma Public Schools wants to hear from you! We are in the process of updating our Strategic Plan and want to hear from students, staff, families and the community. We want to know what characteristics, attributes, and/or skills that:

  • Students should have when they graduate
  • Adults should have as they teach and support students
  • The system should prioritize as it ensures the best learning and working environment for students, staff, and families

The survey takes about 5-10 minutes to complete. Your answers are anonymous. Take the survey: https://forms.office.com/r/PFY74YTfVs



When are kids too sick for school?
Respiratory illnesses are on the rise right now, and a stomach virus is making its way through some households, too. If you’re wondering when your child is too sick for school, take a look at this information from our health department:

Too sick for school?

Stay home with these illnesses

Questions? Contact our school nurse a


Mental health resources available on our website
Our website now makes it easy for students and families to find resources to support mental health, find help for friends, and get in touch with school counselors.

Explore these resources for ways to support your child. You can find them listed under the “Family” and “Students” tabs on the top of our web site.

Review standardized test scores in ParentVUE
Students at each grade level take standardized tests as a tool to monitor learning. Teachers use the test results to inform their teaching practices and make changes to meet the needs of all students.

Some of these scores are available to students and parents in StudentVUE and ParentVUE. To view scores, go to the “Test History” tab. For tests like Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA), a more detailed report can be found in the “Documents” tab for the previous year.



Safety Reminders

·       Please follow safe walking routes to school.  Suggested Walking Route Maps - Tacoma Public Schools (tacomaschools.org)

·       Please sign up for valet if you drive to pick your child up from school. This will free up the front parking lot for buses and preschool families. Talk with your students teacher or the front office to sign up.

·       Please keep your students off the red brick walls in front of the school. Students walking on them could result in falls and injuries.

·       To access campus, enter through the front entrance and check in with the office before going about your business. More information below.

·       Please encourage your students to refrain from sharing their food with classmates. This will help us prevent accidental exposure to foods students are allergic to. 


Get preview of Beyond the Bell programs
You can soon register for the next session of Beyond the Bell, fun and engaging after-school programs in Tacoma Public Schools.


To help choose the session your child is most interested in, take a look at the programs available in our school.

  • Registration: Jan. 27 – Feb. 12
  • Session: Feb. 24 – April 4

Payment changes start this session
Families with outstanding Beyond the Bell invoices are now required to settle their balance in MySchoolBucks before registering for future sessions. No student will be denied access due to financial need. 

To learn more, please read this FAQ.


Rainiers jersey design contest for students in grades 3-8 now open
Tacoma Public Schools is teaming up with the Tacoma Rainiers to host a jersey design contest for students in grades 3 to 8. Students can submit unique jersey designs to show what they love about Tacoma. They should use the Rainiers’ jersey template and submit all contest entries by Jan. 31. 

The winning design will be replicated on jerseys that Rainiers players will wear during a 2025 game. The student winner will receive a jersey to keep, four Summit Club tickets to the 2025 TPS Night at the Rainiers, and throw out the first pitch at the game.


Building positive relationships at home

At home, it's important to talk to your child about small ways to show kindness, such as helping a friend or offering a compliment. 

Building positive relationships with children at home is essential for their emotional well-being, self-esteem, and social development. Positive family relationships help children feel secure, valued, and supported, which contributes to better behavior, resilience, and academic success. Create those relationships at home by:

  • Spending quality time together
  • Showing active listening
  • Showing appreciation and affection
  • Setting boundaries and routines
  • Encouraging open communication

Get more ideas here. 


Choice enrollment time
Choice enrollment for the 2025-26 school year is open now. If you know any incoming families who want to explore a school other than their non-neighborhood school, please let share this website link: bit.ly/TPS_choice. (Please note, SAMi, SOTA and IDEA have a separate application process.) Application window closes January 17th for grades 1 – 12 and January 31st for Kindergarten.


Update your contact information to ensure you receive weather-related alerts
Tacoma Public Schools shares weather-related scheduling impacts in a number of ways, including email, calls and texts directly to you. You can make sure your contact information is up to date by checking ParentVUE. Get directions to update your account here: ParentVUE Help - Tacoma Public Schools

If you need help updating your information, contact our front office at 253-571-2900


Teaching empathy through simple actions
In addition to teaching academic skills at school, we try to nurture emotional intelligence in children. Our Whole Child team put together a plan that can help families do this at home, too.

At home, you can help your child foster empathy. Encourage your child to think about how others might feel in different situations. 

  • Try asking questions like, “How do you think your friend felt when that happened?” This helps children develop emotional awareness and improves communication skills. 

Follow the link for more ideas on fostering empathy: Take a look at more practical tips, insights and activities to get started


Use these tips to find ways to connect with your child
In addition to teaching academic skills at school, we try to nurture emotional intelligence in children. Our Whole Child team put together a plan that can help families do this at home, too. 

Ask questions like, “How are you feeling today?” and “What made you feel that way?” This helps children develop emotional awareness and improves communication skills.

Follow the link for more ideas:  Take a look at more practical tips, insights and activities to get started


How to check grades in ParentVUE
You can find your child’s grades, assignments and posted test scores on ParentVUE.  Check the app for directions: ParentVUE Help - Tacoma Public Schools (tacomaschools.org)

Do you know about the 10-school-day rule for grades and assignments?

  • Students have 10 school days from the original due date to turn in an assignment and receive full credit.
  • Students have 10 school days from receiving a grade on an assignment or assessment to request a revision, retake or correction.



Rules for building visitors during school day
We want to ensure that all of our buildings provide a safe, welcoming environment for students, staff and visitors.

If you visit our school during the day, please:

  • Enter through the main entrance and sign in at the main office
  • Provide a form of identification
  • Follow all posted signage related to prohibited activities on school property


For safety and security, please enter the main door and check in at the front office if you need to walk your student to class. Please refrain from entering the building through the playground/cafeteria doors. You are more than welcome to walk your student through the main door, down the main hall and into the cafeteria to pick up breakfast.  It takes a group effort to ensure we stay safe. Thank you for working with us to make this happen.

Thank you for your help in keeping our school safe.

Tutor.com offers free, online tutoring services : APPLIES TO GRADES 3-12
Our students have access to a free online tutoring service through Tutor.com. They can access this resource through Clever.

Services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week and include: 

  • Live tutoring
  • Paper review
  • Math question drop off
  • SAT/ACT prep
  • College admission essays
  • Resume/cover letter writing
  • Creating healthy habits

Students can access tutors by chat or a voice call in less than a minute without an appointment. Get more information, including a detailed list of services


24-25 Bell Schedule

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday


8:10-Student arrival. Must wait on playground.

8:25-Building opens and breakfast starts

8:40-School Starts

3:10-School Ends

9:10-Student arrival. Must wait on playground.

9:25-Building opens and breakfast starts

9:40-School Starts

3:10-School Ends


NOTE: First late start day: Wednesday, Sept. 11

All schools start one hour later on Wednesdays except when noted otherwise.


Arrival and Dismissal is the process of dropping students off in the morning and picking them up in the afternoon.  

1.      Arrival: Students should report to the playground no earlier than 8:10 on Monday Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. 9:10 on Wednesdays. We will not have staff on duty before these times. Driving families should use the bus lane to drop students off starting at 8:10. Parking is available in the street and behind the school. Please do not park in the bus loop or behind parked cars. This created a lot of issues last year, so we need everyone’s help with sticking to the process so we can keep the school community safe.

2.      Dismissal: The front lot will only be open to school buses, daycare vans and Headstart families between 2:55 and 3:15. Valet is our afterschool pickup process for driving families. Students line up in the hallway of the school and are walked to their parent/family’s car in back of the building by staff. We encourage all driving families to sign up for valet by contacting the main office or speaking with your student’s teacher. Please use street parking if you plan on walking up to the playground to pick up your student.

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